
.Net Core SDK 2.* Series - Using Multiple Projects

This is a series on the latest 2.* .Net Core bits, Following on from the original .Net Core Series Getting Started What’s in the box Using Multiple Projects <=(We are here) Testing NuGet Multi-targeting Publishing Portable Applications Self-contained Applications (At the time of writing, 2.1.4. I use windows, …

A PowerShell Watch Command

I use dotnet-watch a bunch and have used a version via grunt/gulp a little in the past as well. In front of me, I had some TypeScript, tsc and an app.ts file. I wanted to watch it and trigger tsc automatically. But there was no csproj, no NuGet, and no npm in sight. I went searching far and wide for solutions, and some …

.Net Core SDK 2.* Series - What's in the box

This is a series on the latest 2.* .Net Core bits, Following on from the original .Net Core Series Getting Started What’s in the box <=(We are here) Using Multiple Projects Testing NuGet Multi-targeting Publishing Portable Applications Self-contained Applications (At the time of writing, 2.1.4. I use windows, …

.Net Core Series - Self-contained Applications

This is a series on the .Net Core 1.0 bits. Looking for .Net Core 2 Series? Getting Started What’s in the box Using Multiple Projects Testing NuGet Multi-targeting Publishing Portable Applications Self-contained Applications <=(We are here) This was meant to be an article on Self-contained applications in .Net …

Subcutaneous Testing against React + .Net Applications with Storyteller - A Reply

A week or two ago Jeremy Miller posted an article Subcutaneous Testing against React + .Net Applications. It outlined some early R&D on the new Storyteller.Redux, which allows you to run Storyteller tests against Redux stores using WebSockets. While he had a proven way of communicating between React/Redux and …

TypeScript over JavaScript, Always

Prelude As a developer, JavaScript is inevitable. Unless you’re a dba or mobile app developer I suppose, but I digress. When working with JavaScript applications, you certainly have to be using a build pipeline of some description. If you are not at least bundling and minifying you are certainly doing it wrong, …

There can be only one return; 0 RLY?

My opinions and choices on style of coding evolves and changes over time. By blogging about this now, I can refer back later when I change my mind. I can also elicit the opinions of others to influence me to change my ways if I happen to be wrong and not know it yet. Lets talk about returns. There is an opinion that …

In C#, your structs should be immutable.

I wrote some code. It was simple code. I had a collection. I iterated over the collection and updated the values. I did this several times in an outer loop. The code didn’t work. Why didn’t it work? My collection was an array of Structs. When I pulled an item out in the for loop, it was copied. When I …

.Net Core SDK 2.* Series - Getting Started

This is a series on the latest 2.* .Net Core bits, Following on from the original .Net Core Series Getting Started <=(We are here) What’s in the box Using Multiple Projects Testing NuGet Multi-targeting Publishing Portable Applications Self-contained Applications (At the time of writing, 2.0.3. I use windows, …

Couldn't Connect. Get Connected to your Wireless Display Adapter

I was having trouble with connecting my laptops to a remote display with Miricast. Specifically, I was trying to use the functionality built into Windows 10 to connect to a wireless display and had a Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter V2 plugged into my TV. It would say Connecting to ... for a while and then fail with …

A story about an intern and dotnet

Jack the intern was thrilled. He sat at his computer in front of a cmd prompt ready to learn. “It’s your first day, and we need you to work out all this new dotnet command line stuff”. Jack recalled the words of his new Boss, Joe. “We are far too busy to figure this out, we have code to ship, …

Ghost Blog Upgrade to 1.* (1.8.4 in fact)

While I’ve been hapily blogging away on Ghost version 0.8.0 hosted on azure (very much ad-hoc hosting approach) the Ghost Blog team made the leap to a 1.* version, with a very breaking changes along the way, especially to their upgrade process. They’ve made it all the way to 1.8.4 and so I figured it was …

dotnet build, targeting full .Net 4.5.1 on nanoserver docker

I have been struggling to get dotnet build to work on nanoserver via docker. I had already given up on git, because I can perform git tasks outside the container first. Basically I was trying this: docker run -v "$(pwd):C:/work" -w C:/work -it --rm microsoft/dotnet:1.1.1-sdk-nanoserver powershell build.ps1 This …

Migrating onto dotnet tools 1.0.0

Since Visual Studio 2017 is out, and we have a 1.0.0 tools release for .Net Core, I’m going to try and migrate a simple project from the pre-release tooling, onto the new tooling. The biggest difference is that instead of using a project.json file, the new tooling now uses a .csproj file instead. It will take a …

Building a Windows Service with .Net Core

While we are all wanting to get onto the new hotness that is .Net Core cross platform applications, the reality is that our servers are running windows, and we use a combination of Scheduled tasks, IIS, and Windows Services to host our applications. Most .Net Core applications are console apps that work well for …

.Net Core Series - Publishing Portable Applications

This is a series on the .Net Core 1.0 bits. Looking for .Net Core 2 Series? Getting Started What’s in the box Using Multiple Projects Testing NuGet Multi-targeting Publishing Portable Applications <=(We are here) Self-contained Applications We can now take everything we have learned and start publishing our …

Microsoft & Google, Android Wear support is missing

Ok, so I know I am in the minority as a Windows Phone user, but sometimes I just get frustrated and I wish Microsoft at least tried to achieve parity with their platforms, and not leave it to others who just won’t bother. I have a really nice Acer Liquid Jade Primo Windows 10 mobile phone. Continuum, Hexa Core …

How to Constructors

Constructors for services are a really handy way to pass in configuration, variation and dependencies. Here are some ways I have learned to use Constructors and some ideas on testing. What shouldn’t be in a Constructor Execution. Any complex execution of code should not be in a constructor. This includes …

FiraCode, my new favorite VS Code dev font

I’ve been using Fira Code as my new dev font. And I’m sticking with it. FiraCode is available on GitHub, and is a based on the concept of ligatures, targeting at programming symbols. In short, ligatures are where two or more actual characters are printed as a single printable character, originating in print …

"failed to peek context header from STDIN" and how to fix

The docker guidance says you can run docker build piping the dockerfile: #On linux $ docker build - < Dockerfile and on Windows it says to do this: #PowerShell Get-Content Dockerfile | docker build - Nice. But I’ve been getting this error all day… > Get-Content Dockerfile | docker build - unable to …