docker tags

.Net on Docker - What's in my Dockerfile? Tips and Tricks

I’ve started getting into building Docker Containers as deployment packages. These are some learnings that I want to share, hopefully helping countless others with a better build, test and debug cycle with .Net on Docker with Visual Studio. Start with the defaults Use the built-in tools in Visual Studio to …

Develop your Rust in Docker

I decided a while ago that the next language I would try to learn is Rust. I don’t want to go too much into Rust other than to repeat its own summary: Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety. – But like all …

A Windows Service using netcoreapp on dotnet

I wrote Building a Windows Service with .Net Core and had a bit of flack because I was only using .Net core to build a .Net 4.5.2 application. Technically the title is still valid, it was a windows service, and I built it using .Net Core tools. But since people came looking for the answer to actually hosting a …

dotnet build, targeting full .Net 4.5.1 on nanoserver docker

I have been struggling to get dotnet build to work on nanoserver via docker. I had already given up on git, because I can perform git tasks outside the container first. Basically I was trying this: docker run -v "$(pwd):C:/work" -w C:/work -it --rm microsoft/dotnet:1.1.1-sdk-nanoserver powershell build.ps1 This …

"failed to peek context header from STDIN" and how to fix

The docker guidance says you can run docker build piping the dockerfile: #On linux $ docker build - < Dockerfile and on Windows it says to do this: #PowerShell Get-Content Dockerfile | docker build - Nice. But I’ve been getting this error all day… > Get-Content Dockerfile | docker build - unable to …