
Windows 10 phantom text fix

I’ve been using the Windows 10 Insider Previews on my Dell Latitude ST2E Tablet for a few months and It has been a bit hit and miss. I’ve really enjoyed the experience of previewing what’s coming, but it has been quite buggy up until the 10158/10159 builds leading up to the July 29th RTM. But there is …

Html anchors, links, and css

As part of reskinning my blog, I have had to rethink my menu links and CSS. I discovered something interesting that I hadn’t really thought about before. But let’s start with a lesson that got me to where I made that realisation. LVHA I recall a time at uni where I was learning about CSS. The phrase Love, …

public, private & new: C# visibility scope explained

I wanted to go over the visibility modifiers in C#. There are a few, it’s not as simple as just public or private. Let’s go through some scenarios and get our heads around what we can use, when and why. I couldn’t think of a good term to group the concepts of methods, constructors, and classes, so I …

More small classes

Its a pretty common rule of thumb to avoid monoliths and write more small classes. Think about the solid principles. Single responsibility per class. This implies less in it. Smaller. Open for extension closed for modification. Take out the things that will change. Smaller. Liskov substitution principle says …

Ghost blog backups

I’ve been using Ghost to run my blog for a few months now. One thing that was not immediately obvious to me was how to backup the content in my blog. So here is a quick recap on how its done. Its actually pretty easy, although not very discoverable. When you are logged in, you can head to the URL …

Building a better development team

Last November I helped out with the Wellington contingent of the Global Day of Coderetreat. It was a great day to explore strategies and techniques to improve your code and expand your knowledge of patterns and practices. This is a great event and I highly recommend looking out for it again later this year. I liked …

Code Demoing with Visual Studio

I often find myself in a meeting or presentation, Visual Studio open, showing some code. What is the question I can almost guarantee that someone will ask? Can you please make the code bigger. Now I have a trick that I find really useful that saves a lot of hassle and works really well. It comes in the form of a Visual …

Code Camp Christchurch - An Introduction to git

I presented today at Code Camp Christchurch on git. I will try and translate some of the topics into new tutorial posts over the coming weeks, but you can find a rough transcript of the content from my presentation in my post git is not scary. I refered to some links in my talk, and wanted to make them available here. …

Git is not scary

It may not be simple, it may not be easy, but git is not scary. Now, I’ve been using git for less than a year now, professionally. I had dabbled in git personal projects for the year before that. My primary Source control had mostly been TFS (Team Foundation Server), and I had been exposed to subversion on a …

Ports and Adapters

It feels like everywhere I turn (in my circles anyway), people are talking about Ports and Adapters, and I thought I would jump on the bandwagon. You may have also heard this architecture called Onion Architecture, or Hexagonal Architecture. All of these are essentially the same idea, under a different name. Brief …

SOLID-ifying your Nuget Packaging

The other day we were talking about problems we (as a room of developers) had been having with NuGet, inter-package dependencies, and were quick to relate them back to DLL Hell. But I had this slight epiphany from another comment, where it was observed that our X.Common package had ‘helper code’ for …

git lol

I saw Scott Chacon use git lol on an introduction to git video, and thought it looked like a neat alias idea. I did some searching and came across this blog post by Franz Bettag, in which he creates an alias for git log called git lol. I’m not sure if he came up with it, but it looks like Scott Chacon is the …

Aliasing your 'git status'

Anyone else have the bad habit of typing in git statsu or git stauts? Or maybe you just end up typing git status all the time at the command line, and wonder if there was a better way. Well, there is. Aliases Most command-line shells have the concept of aliasing. This means you type one thing, and it represents an …

TeamCity, GitHub and Pull Requests

I’ve been having fun setting up TeamCity builds, specifically trying to run a static analysis build that shows it’s results on a pull request. This lead me to discover some issues with the built-in TeamCity support. It is really easy to set up a build task that runs PowerShell as its build step. With this I …

Console2 Console arrow keys acting wrong - The fix

The Introduction I’m having fun using all my console windows inside tabs in one application using Console2 (hooray for easily finding a Hanselman blog post on my specific topic for you to read all about it) and it has been going well. The Issue However, the other day, my whole console window started sliding …

Introducing PublishCoverity

As part of my open source development tooling investigation, I came across Coverity Scan Static Analysis. And thanks to Arkfps’ post I could automate the process of submitting the results. And now Appveyor includes Coverity on it’s images. But I decided to take his work one step further, and so I built a …

.Net Open Source Series - 7. Lifecycle Management

This is a series on my findings around building open source software online for free. There are many SAAS (Software As A Service) platforms out there and a lot of these are free to use with your open source projects. But not all of these work with C# and .Net. So this series highlights the tools and products out there …

.Net Open Source Series - 6. Metrics

This is a series on my findings around building open source software online for free. There are many SAAS (Software As A Service) platforms out there and a lot of these are free to use with your open source projects. But not all of these work with C# and .Net. So this series highlights the tools and products out there …

.Net Open Source Series - 5. Documentation

This is a series on my findings around building open source software online for free. There are many SAAS (Software As A Service) platforms out there and a lot of these are free to use with your open source projects. But not all of these work with C# and .Net. So this series highlights the tools and products out there …

.Net Open Source Series - 4. Publish & Deploy

This is a series on my findings around building open source software online for free. There are many SAAS (Software As A Service) platforms out there and a lot of these are free to use with your open source projects. But not all of these work with C# and .Net. So this series highlights the tools and products out there …