troubleshooting tags
Couldn't Connect. Get Connected to your Wireless Display Adapter
I was having trouble with connecting my laptops to a remote display with Miricast. Specifically, I was trying to use the functionality built into Windows 10 to connect to a wireless display and had a Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter V2 plugged into my TV. It would say Connecting to ... for a while and then fail with …
Windows 10 phantom text fix
I’ve been using the Windows 10 Insider Previews on my Dell Latitude ST2E Tablet for a few months and It has been a bit hit and miss. I’ve really enjoyed the experience of previewing what’s coming, but it has been quite buggy up until the 10158/10159 builds leading up to the July 29th RTM. But there is …
Strange Monitor issues
Just a little backstory to put this in context. I have a dual-boot Vista/Ubuntu machine. I updated my hardware and vista needed to re-register, but my internet connection was down. Fine, I’ll use Ubuntu till my internets back. All is well until I finally reboot into Vista and re-active my licence online, download …