
Coveralls.Net 1.0.0 Release

Christmas 2014. I was building out projects on GitHub in open source. The obsession with open source even went on to spawn a Series of Blog Posts. Each tool or library I was building lead onto another tool or library to make the build pipeline, or development process better. Often putting down one project while I …

monocov + Travis-CI = WINNING

After much frustration, I now have monocov running on my Travis-CI build, and I’m going to share with you how I did it. TL;DR The coverage results don’t seem accurate just yet, but jump to the end to see the full script to get it going on your build. As I mentioned in a previous post, I am building a …


So I’ve built an (almost MVP) code coverage publisher for from C# code, using opencover coverage results. Checkout the github repo and nuget packages if you want to use it. I’m even dogfooding it on appveyor as part of my psake build tasks. So how do you use it? Well luckily I used …

Hey, I found this thing called

In my pursuit to find a build task runner for my code coverage I stumbled on this whole other side of the internet I didn’t know about (from a .Net developer’s perspective). I’ve been using for my open-source CI build, which is a great option for anyone with a project on the Microsoft …