GitHub tags

New Projects - Consolable, ConcurrentConsole & t4tinytypes

I’ve been working on some new projects, so thought I would do a quick elevator pitch for each. Consolable I was having an issue with environment variables as arguments, and with PowerShell replacing "text" with text (stripping double-quotes) and how these interacted with my command line arguments. …

Fork off with your branches

The nice thing about git is that branches are cheap and you can create many and varied branches for every little fix, format or feature. The annoying thing about GitHub is that every user creates many many many branches. One of my pet peeves at the moment is a large number of branches on our upstream repository. That …

TeamCity, GitHub and Pull Requests

I’ve been having fun setting up TeamCity builds, specifically trying to run a static analysis build that shows it’s results on a pull request. This lead me to discover some issues with the built-in TeamCity support. It is really easy to set up a build task that runs PowerShell as its build step. With this I …